Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Autumn 2015

I have just been informed how to post off my phone!  This could be life changing!

We have been having a spectacular autumn weather wise.  We have had hints of flurries the odd day here and there but for the most part we are enjoying close to summer temperatures.  I still have flowers blooming in my front garden which is amazing on a number of levels!  Each weekend I think it might be last of the warm weather so we best make use of it outside. It is so much harder in the winter as I'm sure you can imagine to keep the kids active or at least my kids. 

This weekend will be dedicated to one of the kids engagement party and the errands created by that. One of the jobs will be to pick up the cake and deliver it to the venue the day before. This is anxiety provoking!  It is only two tiered but you know when the bakery doesn't deliver tiered cakes due to their not wanting to assume responsibility if something goes wrong you know it might be tricky.   I'm looking forward to Friday's errand of picking the candy for the candy bar. Who doesn't like that?!  I will need to deliver right after purchase however to ensure there is some left for the guests!  I'm not worried about the kids getting into it but myself. Nothing goes down better than jelly tots or sour dinosaurs!

I sure hope that your autumn is playing out as well as ours!

Here are some of our pics from our time at the park last weekend.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I realize I have been absent from the blog.

Life has been moving forward full steam ahead.  We have celebrated monumental birthdays, started school, recently enjoyed Thanksgiving and I am fully engrossed in planning an engagement party for one of my daughters.  I know right?!

When I began my parenting journey decades ago with the plans I had, never in my wildest imagination did I foresee any of my children marrying.  It never occurred to me that any would develop, change, overcome the obstacles they were born with to grasp hold of the milestones that the majority of society takes for granted.  Not only is this the case for one of my children but most likely will be the same for two more.  Crazy isn't it?!

It's funny when we envision our lives playing out one way how life steps in and shows you how it really will be.  I never thought I would have children that spoke and was accepting of that.  When some of my children did acquire speech I know that I was provided with a gift I didn't know I wanted.  I would still be fine if I did not hear words uttered from their sweet lips however I know my life is so much more enriched that I can.

This takes nothing away from my children who speak to me in nonverbal ways.  I receive their messages loud and clear as I believe they do mine.

This is my favourite time of year.  I love all the holidays and the special events of each season.  I hope that all of you feel the kindness of family, friends and strangers alike over the coming months.

I promise I will try and do better with this blog....