This week two of our local radio stations are involved in their annual radiothon in support of the children's hospital. It is their tenth year anniversary and for most of those ten years I have been a monthly supporter. It is a neglible amount really but it is something and an amount that is unnoticeable to our daily functioning.
I am conflicted is as I listen to the beautiful stories from some of the families who have been helped by the hospital and the miracles that have occurred within their walls. I think about my Ailish. It is no secret that I believe it was less than optimal nursing care on two shifts that contributed to her dying. There is no guarantee that Ailish would not have died even if the nurses had recognized what was going on and mobilized the resources necessary but it would have changed how things played out dramatically. In retrospect this could have been a good thing or a bad thing. There are many stories like ours that have happened in hospital. Crap really does happen.
Here's the thing I guess. Medical intervention is provided by humans. Humans are fallible. With that knowledge I know that our children's hospital is an outstanding place and for the most part it is filled with gifted, caring individuals who are fighting for the health and recovery of my children when we need them. We have benefitted greatly for many years from the medical and rehabilitative treatment offered from this world class facility and have developed friendships too. It takes so many people to make that place what it is and no ones role there is insignificant. It is safe to say we as a family have worked our way through the majority of clinics at the hospital. Thank goodness we have avoided some but the ones that care for us have done so wonderfully.
This hospital is where I want to be when my kids need care. It was a sad day when my kids who are now adults would no longer be able to receive treatment there. Heck I think that is where I would want to be admitted should I ever require medical care. Sadly immaturity does not count when you are over eighteen. You still have to go to big people's hospital. That being said I was cared for after Ailish died. Their treatment did not end after my child died. They were there offering services by way of programs, special events or just a voice on the other end of the phone. Drugs might have been a nice addition from my point of view but I guess that might be beyond their scope.
Ultimately I am grateful. Not everyone has immediate access to a children's hospital. It is beautiful on the inside by way of its aesthetics but made more so by the people that fill it. I have gripes and I might complain but I believe I am guilty of taking this facility for granted. I am older and wiser now and I vow to do better.
Getting casted for a new AFO and offered her own purple gloves |
one legitimately in emerg the other a sympathetic participant |
She is a favourite at Orthopedic clinic |
catching some winter summer rays on the deck at the Hospice for a balloon release |
visiting a friend at the Hospice. Happy fourth birthday Abby |
admitted for day surgery |
Should you feel so inclined whether you be local or international everyone's money is welcome. The technology that has been developed and brought in from funds raised over the last radiothons has saved lives, decreased the impact of some surgical procedures and in general has increased the quality of care being performed. Think about it?