It was a pretty exciting playdate the other day. The bowling alley is at the mall so after we were done
we headed to the food court for burritos.
There was a winking contest
There was a very fun ride on an overpriced carousel. (The mardigras beads at the end of it were an excellent touch). Due to our adorable nature we also got free passes to go the next time we are at the mall. Score!

Not quite brave enough to mount a steed but preferred to sit in a more dignified fashion on the wagon.
Thought the carousel was the biggest adventure of his life. I guess he forgets Disneyland....
Off to Build a Bear. I have only done this with a few of the kids at the most twice with this maybe being the third time. Not only do the kids get a kick out of the process but I think it's also worth it for the parents. If you have never been before it would be best to check out how the place works and set the ground rules for your kids regarding budget as holy schmolly you could really drop a wad in that place!
After working the pedal to stuff the bear you have to give it the hug test to see if it is as soft as you would like.
Making his Olaf sporting his stunning carousel beads
The heart that gets put in the bear has to touch various parts of the body that represent characteristics you want for the stuffy you have chosen. This is rubbing your head so your stuffy is smart....
I thought this was great. A wheelchair for the bear whose new owner might use the same.... I might have considered it for the little prince however I couldn't swallow the thirty dollars that it was.
After the bears are made it is off to the grooming centre where you can brush them and fluff them. The kids can run a foot pedal that turns on a blower. Serves no purpose the lady said but it's fun. And it was.
Love love loving his beads
All in all a bang up day or as our little friend Josie said at least fifteen times "It was AWWWWSOME!"