Thursday, March 5, 2015

Prenatal alcohol use..... Are you kidding me?!

I have to say I am absolutely flabbergasted to discover that there is a group of women who actually believe that moderate drinking of alcohol in pregnancy is safe and acceptable!  Are these people nuts?!  Are they so attached to their booze that abstaining from their "moderate" consumption for forty weeks is too much to ask to prevent the one hundred percent preventable disability?!  I'm thinking that if that is the case that they might have more of an issue with alcohol than they are willing to admit to.

 There seems to be a lack of knowledge that because your baby is born without the physical telltale signs of fetal alcohol syndrome that it is proof that occasional drinking in pregnancy causes no harm.

So for you "moderate" consumers of alcohol while growing a human being inside you let me ask you this...

When your child is slower to pick up skills than his same aged peers will that drink have been worth it?
When your child is unable to sit long enough to hear teacher directions will that drink have been worth it
When your child is unable to fully grasp mathematical concepts at grade level will that drink have been worth it?
When your child is happy one minute then raging the next repeating the pattern every day will that drink have been worth it?
When your child's behavioural choices have negative consequences but the same behaviour keeps occurring almost like he didn't understand those consequences and how they related to him even though he verbalized what he did was wrong will that drink be worth it?
When puberty hits and your child is more withdrawn and depressed compared to his same aged peers will that drink have been worth it?
When everything seems to create anxiety in your child will that drink have been worth it?
When your child's decisions have him meeting the wrong side of the law and you are either bailing him out, sitting in court with him in handcuffs and jumpsuit or both will those drinks have been worth  it?

There are so many more things I could ask in relation to a person making a choice that goes against science when the majority of evidence states NO AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL IS SAFE IN PREGNANCY.

Certainly there are people who have been prenatally exposed to alcohol who appear unscathed and even kids diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome that grow up to lead very productive lives.  It is a tough row to hoe for sure to get there though and one that creates a struggle all the time.  It could be money management, time management, anger management etc etc.  With the right supports these folks can live their biggest lives but man oh man think of the possibilites if their brains had not been pickled by one, two or any number of 'beverages'.

Why on earth would anyone without an actual drinking problem risk harming their unborn child?

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