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Girl born without a brain defies all odds

When Ailish Wheatley came into this world, doctors said it was unlikely she would make it past her first birthday.
Photo Credit: Courtesy , Patricia Wheatley
CALGARY – Patricia Wheatly has made it her life’s work to raise children with special needs.
But eleven years ago, she wasn’t prepared for the phone call she was about to receive.
When Ailish came into this world doctors knew each day would be a struggle.
Born without a brain, it was unlikely that she would see her first birthday – but that didn’t stop Patricia from reaching out to help her when contacted by social services.
“I I think spent probably the first three months thinking this is it,” says Patricia.
Ailish’s disability was severe; in place of her brain was only a sack of fluid and her brain stem was running the show.
“What you’ll be told is that they won’t recognize you, they won’t think, they won’t feel, they don’t do anything,” says Patricia.
“But that’s not the case.”
Astonishingly, Ailish laughed when appropriate and loved to be sung to. She even knew when it was time to be held.
“I thought anything was possible at that time,” says Patricia.
And many things were.
Last year, Ailish accomplished something incredible – she turned 10 years old.
“She had this big birthday brunch. We did the big banquet room and everyone near and dear came,” says Patricia.
“She loved it, she was thrilled.”
Sadly, Ailish passed away last March.
But for a girl who wasn’t supposed to survive one year and be capable of very few things, she is profoundly missed.
“The impact, the lessons that you learn and the impact that you have on the people you touch ... that’s Ailish,” says Patricia.
Ailish died following complications from an elective surgery to correct a spinal deformity.
According to the National Institute of health only a very rare few survive Ailish’s disorder more than a year.
Copyright (c) Shaw Media Inc.
Read it on Global News: Global Calgary | Girl born without a brain defies all odds
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